Project: Multivariate Time Series Outlier Detection

- 8 mins

Let \(x_t =(x_{1t}, \cdots, x_{kt})'\) be a k-dimensional time series that follows a vector autoregressive integrated moving-average, ARIMA, model

\[\Phi(B) x_t = c + \Theta(B)\varepsilon_t,\]


\[\Phi(B) = I - \sum_{i=1}^p \Phi_iB^p, \Theta(B) = I - \sum_{i=1}^p \Theta_iB^p\]

are \(k \times k\) matrix polynomials of finite degrees \(p\) and \(q\), \(B\) is the backshift operator such that \(Bx_t = x_{t-1}\), \(c\) is a \(k\)-dimensional constant vector, and \(\{\varepsilon = (\varepsilon_{1t}, \cdots, \varepsilon_{kt})'\}\) is a sequence of independent and identically distributed Gaussian random vector with zero mean and positive-definite covariance matrix \(\Sigma\). We assume that \(\Phi(B)\) and \(\Theta(B)\) are left caprice and that all of the zeros of the determinants \(\vert\Phi(B)\vert\) and \(\vert\Theta(B)\vert\) are on or outside the unit circle.

Define the autoregressive representation as

\[\Pi(B)x_t = c_0 +\varepsilon_t\]


\[\Pi(B) = I - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \Pi_i B^i = \{\Theta(B)\}^{-1}\Phi(B)\]

Define the moving-average representation as

\[x_t = c^* +\Psi(B) \varepsilon_t\]


\[\Psi(B) = I - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \Psi_i B^i = \{\Phi(B)\}^{-1}\Theta(B)\]

Before diving into the algorithm, we will make some more definitions. Denote the observed time series by \(y_t =(y_{1t}, \cdots, y_{kt})'\) and let \(\omega = (\omega_1, \cdots, \omega_k)'\) be the size of the initial impact of an outlier on the series \(x_t\). The four types of univariate outlier can be generalized to the multivariate case

\[y_t = x_t + \alpha(B) \omega \xi_t^{(h)},\]


\[\begin{array}{c|c} \alpha(B) & \text{Type} \\\ \hline \Psi (B) & \text{multivariate innovational outlier} \\\ I & \text{multivariate additive outlier} \\\ (I - B)^{-1} & \text{multivariate level shift} \\\ {D(\delta)}^{-1} & \text{multivariate temporary change} \\\ \end{array}\]

Here, \(\Psi\) is the MA representation of VARMA model. Next, we can multiply above equation by \(\Pi(B)\) and subtract a constant term from both sides, we have

\[a_t = \varepsilon_t + \Pi(B)\alpha(B)\omega \xi_t^{(h)}\]

Here let’s write \(\Pi(B)\alpha(B)\) as \(\Pi^*(B)\). Therefore, if we suppose \(\hat{a}_t\) is the estimated residuals and \(\hat{\Pi}_i\) is the estimated coefficients of the autoregressive representation, we have the following

\[\hat{a}_t =\left(I - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \hat{\Pi^*}_i B^i\right)\xi_t^{(h)}\omega + \varepsilon_t = \left(\xi_t^{(h)} - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \hat{\Pi^*}_i \xi_{t-i}^{(h)}\right)\omega + \varepsilon_t\]

where \(\varepsilon_t \sim N(0, \Sigma)\), and the estimator of \(\omega\) is

\[\hat{\omega}_{i, h} = -\left(\sum_{i=0}^{n - h} \hat{\Pi^*}'_i \Sigma^{-1}\hat{\Pi^*}\right)^{-1}\sum_{i=0}^{n - h} \hat{\Pi^*}'_i \Sigma^{-1}\hat{a}_{h+i}\]

where \(\Pi_0 = -I\) and \(i = I , A, L, T\).

For the \(\Pi^*\), we can obtain by calculating the coefficient of \(\Pi(B)\alpha(B)\). Here, additive outlier and level shift are a just special case of temporary change so let’s only consider a temporary change at the moment. That is the following

\[I - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \Pi^*_i B^i = \left(I - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \Pi_i B^i)(I - \delta B\right)^{-1}\]

Hence, above is just a simple polynomial division. In general, suppose three polynomials

\(\Pi(B) = I - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \Pi_i B^i,\) \(\Phi(B) = I - \sum_{i=1}^{p} \Phi_i B^i\) and \(\Theta(B)= I - \sum_{i=1}^{q} \Theta_i B^i\)


\[\Pi(B) = \Theta(B)^{-1}\Phi(B)\]


\[\Pi_i = \Phi_i + \sum_{j = 1}^{i} \Theta_j\Pi_{i-j}\]

where \(i = j\), \(\Pi_{i - j} = -I\), if \(i > p\), \(\Phi_i = 0\) and if \(j > q\), \(\Theta_j = 0\). Therefore, use the above reclusive relation, we can obtain the polynomial representation for temporary change.

In addition, the covariance matrix of the estimator is \(\Sigma_{i, h} = \left(\sum_{i=0}^{n-h} \hat{\Pi^*}'_i\Sigma^{-1}\hat{\Pi^*}_i\right)^{-1}\). Lastly, to reduce the effect of one particular outlier, we can just proceed to the following equation

\[x_t = y_t - \alpha(B) \omega \xi_t^{(h)}\]

where \(x_t\) is the adjusted series and \(y_t\) is the original series.


Suppose observed time series has no outlier and provide model \(ARMA(p, q)\)

Step 1: Use Maximum-Likelihood estimation to estimate \(\Phi, \Theta\) and \(\Sigma\).

Step 2: Use resulted estimation to calculate estimated residuals, \(\hat{a}_t\) and the estimated AR representation, \(\hat{\Pi}_i\)

Step 3: Obtain \(\omega_{i, h}\) for all \(h\) where the subscript \(i\) indicates type of outliers (\(i = I, A, L, S\)) and the covariance estimator.

Step 4: To test the significance of a multivariate outlier at time index h, we consider the null hypothesis \(H_0:\omega= 0\) versus the alternative hypothesis \(H_a: \omega\neq 0\). Two test statistics are used.

\[C_{i, h} =\frac{\max_{1 \leq j \leq k} \vert\hat{\omega}_{j, i, h}\vert}{\sqrt{\sigma_{j, i, h}}}\]

where \(\hat{\omega}_{j, i, h}\) and \(\sigma_{j, i, h}\) are the \(n\)th element of \(\hat{\omega}_{i, h}\) and the \((j, j)\)th element of \(\Sigma_{i, h}\) respectively.

We define the overall test statistics as

\[J_{\max}(i, h_i) = \max_h J_{i, h}, C_{\max}(i, h_{i}^*) = \max_h C_{i, h}, (i = I, A, L, T)\]

where \(h_i\) denotes the time index when the maximum of the test statistics \(J_{i, h}\) occurs and \(h_{i}^*\) denotes the time index when the maximum of \(C_{i, h}\) occurs.

In case of multiple significant joint test statistics, we identify the outlier type based on the test that has the smallest empirical p-value. If none of \(J_{\max}\) are significant, \(C_{\max}\) will be tested. Otherwise, our procedure end.

Step 5: Once an outlier is detected, we will adjust the original time series by subtracting \(\alpha(B)\omega \varepsilon_t^{(h)}\) Then the process jumps back to Step 1.

Code Walk Through

One can download the “outlier_detection.R” code here. Before using this program, please make sure MTS library is also installed. We will use the gas furnace data as an example. First, let’s load the data

rate <- gas.furnace$InputGasRate
co2 <- gas.furnace$CO2

Then we will use the following blocks to get the outlier

n <- length(co2)
## delta value for temporary change is normally set to be 0.7
delta <- 0.7
xt = gas.furnace

res = list()
it = 1
while (TRUE) {
  out = outlierDetect(xt, p, q, k, n, delta, critical.j, critical.c)
  if (out$Outlier[1, 1] == 0) {
  } else {
    l = list()
    l$Outlier = out$Outlier
    l$Jmax = out$Jmax
    l$Cmax = out$Cmax
    xt = out$xt
    res[[it]] = l
    it = it + 1
## report returns a summary of outlier and its statistics for each individual iteration
## each interation takes two rows
## first row contains Jmax, Cmax value for each type of outlier and the position of the identified outlier
## first 4 columns are for Jmax from type 1 to 4 and column 5 to 8 are for Cmax from type 1 to 4
## the 9th column is the type of the identified outlier and the 10th is the time index
## the second row contains time indexes for each Jmax and Cmax
report = matrix(0, length(res)*2, 10)

for (i in 1:length(res)) {
  item = res[[i]]
  index =2*i - 1
  report[index, 1:4] = item$Jmax[, 1]
  report[index+1, 1:4] = item$Jmax[, 2] 
  report[index, 5:8] = item$Cmax[, 1]
  report[index+1, 5:8] = item$Cmax[, 2]
  report[index, 9:10] =item$Outlier

Finally, you can obtain the result as follow

\[\begin{array}{c|c} \text{Time Index} & \text{Type} \\\ \hline 43 & \text{MTC} \\\ 55 & \text{MTC} \\\ 265 & \text{MIO} \\\ 113 & \text{MTC} \\\ 199 & \text{MTC} \\\ 235 & \text{MLS} \\\ 91 & \text{MTC} \\\ 262 & \text{MIO} \\\ 288 & \text{MLS} \\\ 287 & \text{MLS} \\\ 82 & \text{MLS} \\\ \end{array}\]


Johnew Zhang

Johnew Zhang


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